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Doctor Who

닥터후 45주년 기념 SFX에서 발행한 10명의 닥터 커버

Ten Doctor Who covers for SFX issue 176

1963년 11월23일 첫방송을 탄 닥터후
닥터후 45주년을 맞아서 SFX 잡지가 닥터후 팬들을 위해 역대 10명의 닥터를 커버로 특별 한정판을 발행했다.
첫번째 닥터 역의 William Hartnell 그리고 역대 닥터중 가장 커다란 대중적 인기를 모은 David Tennant.
Patrick Troughton! Jon Pertwee! Tom Baker! Peter Davison! Colin Baker! Sylvester McCoy! Paul McGann! Christopher Eccleston! 10명의 닥터가 각각 표지로 등장한다


SFX 176 cover #1
The first Doctor, played by William Hartnell (1963–1966)


SFX 176 cover #2
The second Doctor, played by Patrick Troughton (1966–1969)


SFX 176 cover #3
The third Doctor, played by Jon Pertwee (1970–1974)


SFX 176 cover #4
The fourth Doctor, played by Tom Baker (1974–1981)


SFX 176 cover #5
The fifth Doctor, played by Peter Davison (1982–1984)


SFX 176 cover #6
The sixth Doctor, played by Colin Baker (1984–1986)


SFX 176 cover #7
The seventh Doctor, played by Sylvester McCoy (1987–1989)


SFX 176 cover #8
The eighth Doctor, played by Paul McGann (1996)


SFX 176 cover #9
The ninth Doctor, played by Christopher Eccleston (2005)


SFX 176 cover #10
The tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant (2005–?)