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Benedict Cumberbatch(베네딕트 컴버배치) 미국 PBS 인터뷰

10월 22일 베네딕트의 셜록이 미국 PBS에서 방영되는 기념으로 한 인터뷰입니다.

예전 인터뷰와 크게 다른 내용은 없는거 같네요.
연기 경력에 대한 소개와 독특한 그의 이름에 대한 이야기 현재 스필버그와 작업하고 있는 영화 "War Horse,"
곧 이어 대기하고 있는 영화 "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy"에서 게리 올드먼과 함께 연기한다는 것
그리고 메일로 보낸 모펫의 답변 베네딕트가 셜록으로 염두해둔 단 한명의 배우였으며
그는 광대뼈와 강렬한 눈빛의 셜록의 외모를 갖고 있는 그 세대의 최고의 배우중 한명이라는 찬사를 보냈다는 것 
베네딕트가 처음 셜록을 연기할 때  캐릭터에 자만심이 강한 면을  좀 더 부각시킨것에 대해 걱정을 했다는 이야기
"스토리 전체를 본다면 홈즈는 누군가를 교화시킵니다. 그는 인간이지만 이면엔 신적인 부분을 동경하는 면이 있어요. 그는 체스의 달인처럼 모든것을 지배하고 이해하기를 원합니다"
19세기 왓슨과 다른 한가지는 그들이 한 아파트에서 같이 산다는 것( 게이가 아님에도!) 그리고 셜록이 무성적인 존재로 비춰진다는 것이 과거의 여자들 혹은 한 여자(그 유명한 아이린 애들러!)때문일 수도 있다는 것과 그녀에 대한 이야기가 5월에 시작하는 다음 시즌에 다뤄진다는것
그리고 마지막은 베네딕트의 귀여운 익살로 마무리 하는군요
친구들이 뭐라고 부르는지 묻자 이 인기 많은 배우는 그의 족보의 가치에 대해 중요하게 생각한다는것을 입증했다.
"벤이요. 벤지라고 하지 마셔요. 헐리웃 강아지가 떠오르니까요"  ^^


LOS ANGELES, Calif. - Benedict Cumberbatch's pals call him Ben. Viewers of his TV performance as a 21st-century Sherlock Holmes tend to favour "brilliant."

The British TV audience went mad this summer for the three-part "Sherlock" series in which Cumberbatch makes Holmes the very model of a modern private detective, with the character's fearsome intelligence and upper-crust arrogance intact.

Now Americans have the chance to discover the rising star as PBS' "Masterpiece Mystery!" airs the series on consecutive Sundays, starting this weekend and through Nov. 7, at 9 p.m. EDT (check local listings).

Cumberbatch, who will be seen next year in Steven Spielberg's film adaptation of the hit London play "War Horse," is engaging and open during an interview from London, displaying not a whit of Holmes' chilliness.

But the 34-year-old actor is a match for the great fictional detective in verbal gymnastics, spilling out answers to questions with energetic, swooping speech.

Here's his take on the Holmes series (which concludes with a doozy of a cliffhanger that ensures future episodes): "The overall story arc of Holmes is someone being humanized. He is human, but he yearns after a sort of godliness. He's somebody who wants to contain, control and understand everything, like a chess grand master."

That's Cumberbatch sans script, and very impressive. But there's no verbal swagger when he's asked about taking on a role played memorably by Nigel Rathbone and Jeremy Brett and, more comedically in 2009 by Robert Downey Jr.

"To be honest, I was nervous. There was no cockiness about it," Cumberbatch said. He was also frightened in the "more vainglorious way, to be identified with this character above all else."

The pilot script swept away his doubts about playing Holmes or the prospect of gimmickry in bringing Arthur Conan Doyle's character into modern London. In the series, Holmes is partnered with Dr. Watson (Martin Freeman of the U.K. version of "The Office," ''Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy") who, as in the original stories, is back from serving in Afghanistan.)

Unlike the 19th-century Watson, this modern one makes a point of noting that, no, he and Holmes aren't gay although they share a flat. Cumberbatch suggests that Holmes is asexual, perhaps the result of being burned in the past by women or one woman, Irene Adler, who is a candidate to appear in the next season. Production starts in May.

Rupert Graves pl.ays police Inspector Lestrade, who puts Holmes' talents to good use. The series creators are Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss of "Doctor Who" fame.

The production itself is a delight, witty in both its writing and direction. But it's the tall, dark and charismatic Cumberbatch's show, with even his talented co-star, Freeman, left with little oxygen.

"Benedict was the first and only actor we ever saw for the part of Sherlock. ... And once we'd heard him read, there was clearly no point in looking anywhere else," Moffat said in an email. "He has that Sherlock look — cheekbones and scowling — and is one of the finest actors of his generation."

A myriad of projects makes Cumberbatch's typecasting unlikely, with his BBC portrayal of famed scientist Stephen Hawking as a young man among the evidence. Other past roles include the villain in "Atonement" and Scarlett Johansson's preening spouse in "The Other Boleyn Girl."

Besides the Spielberg project about man and beast in World War I, another upcoming feature for Cumberbatch is "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" starring Gary Oldman. He remains a busy stage actor as well.

As for his memorable moniker, he patiently explains it without a hint that he might be tired of doing so. His parents, actors Timothy Carlton and Wanda Ventham, chose a "special" given name for him after a difficult time conceiving a child, he said.

Cumberbatch is the family surname on his father's side, and putting it together with Benedict made for a distinctive identifier that demanded — and got — attention from agents.

"I don't think all my fortunes are based on that," Cumberbatch said in a nice bit of understatement.

Asked what his friends call him, the in-demand actor proved his grasp of pedigree's value.

"Ben. I don't get Benjy. That reminds me of a Hollywood mutt," was the droll reply

Source: http://www.pbs.org