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휴먼 퍼니처 (Human Furniture)

사진작가 David Blazquez의 작품'Human Furniture'.
인체를 이용해 만든 가구로 책장 .침대.식탁.소파.램프와 욕조의 모습을 재연한 흑백사진이다.
이 작품들은 2009년 4월 6일부터 5월5일까지 스페인의 El Fot��mata showroom 에서 전시중이다.

“The body as raw material and the objectification of the human. The distance-man element, man-thing was close in each of these images to merge into a common whole. Not to be left field, which grows older, dirty and clean, subject to change over time. The furniture is all around us everyday that you share with us their finite nature, expires, so a man and furniture tandem perfect functional,”

Source: Full Article