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Claire's ArtWork

Portrait of Billy | Episode 209


Portrait of Billy | Episode 209


This is Claire's awakening as a photographer, and her sense that she might have some promise. The recognition of her talent is a gift imparted to her by Billy, when he invites her over to Margaret's condo and asks her to take pictures of him. Naked. It's a riveting scene: he hands her the camera; he tells her what to do. And at the end of the episode he emails some of the pictures, including this one of his back, and she realizes she has talent.
Alan Poul- Executive Producer



There's an enormous amount of energy that goes into picking just the right photos so that the quality comes through. There are rolls and rolls and rolls of film looked at by the producers and the prop masters. It's really not a random process at all.
Rusty Lipscomb- Set Decorator


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